
This is my review of the service and like the hitman mentioned on the forum, I do share too much info here and I should try to be more discreet but anyway, here's my feedback;

I've stumbled upon this site a few weeks ago by clicking a banner on a search engine and have finally decided to request the assistance of Johnny.

The basic break down is I've been married to my now 'missing' wife for 14 years and together almost 17 years. The marriage the last 2 years had become complacent much like most long term marriages. She went on a cruise the week before Thanksgiving with her sister and her sisters family. I stayed home with our 13 y.o. son, allowing them to have a so called 'sister trip'. Needless to say, two days into this 4 day trip my wife cheated on me with one of her sisters cousins.

As the months passed, their relationship progressed, she would be up late at night texting and messaging and she would go out of her way to start arguments with me. It's when she brought up the divorce talk that I snapped , I wasn't ready to give her half of my wealth that I worked so hard for. When I contacted Johnny, I specifically requested that the hitman who would take the job makes her disappear and he assured me that she will get cut in little pieces and fed to pigs, the hitman even sent me pictures... I was having breakfast when I opened the files and I must say that I couldn't finish my eggs after seeing that.

The cost was 30.000 US and we used an external escrow, job was completed within 8 days. Mr. Hitman and admin, if you're reading my review: thanks again you saved me many headaches + lots of $$$ that is associated with costly divorce settlements. God bless.
Hard to be a good husband

When my father died, I inherited land but that's when my problems started with my older brother who tried to take the land from me using holes in the law. After fighting with him in court and seeing no light at the end of the tunnel, I consulted Jonny to help me resolve my issues. Now my life is back to normal. Now I can tell my brother: Rest in PISS brother!
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